LKA Community Newsletter – March 2020

A PDF copy of the LKA Community News for March 2022 can be found here.

Dates to Remember:

  • March 2nd – Ash Wednesday
  • March 13th – Daylight Saving Time begins
  • March 16th – Purim begins at sundown
  • March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day
  • March 20th – Spring begins

Welcome to March! Hopefully, the winter and snow are behind us. We should start seeing the first signs of Spring with bulbs starting to bloom. Second to the last week in February, for those who were lucky enough, there was a sighting of many Robins on Edinburgh Drive. What a welcome sight!!

Leisure Knoll provides a wonderful bus service for our residents. Residents are picked up at our many bus stops scattered throughout the community. The bus drivers are courteous, helpful, and in many cases, provide services outside the guidelines of our contract. For example, picking up residents at their homes and providing individual services. Picking up residents at their homes was started by a previous bus driver without the knowledge of the bus company. The normal procedure, according to the contract, is for the bus driver to stop at the bus stops not picking up at individual homes. Presently, the bus company will continue to provide this service, but it may change in the future. If you are unsure of bus stops, there is a map of stops in the Leisure Knoll office. The bus company prefers that residents use the stops. The bus company also prefers you do not call them. You may call the Leisure Knoll office for further information. We will be working with the bus company in the future to accommodate our residents.

With the warm weather is just around the corner there is nothing like riding the bus and enjoying looking out the window. Happy Riding!!

Please do not send individual board members letters to their homes. All letters addressed to any board member is to be reviewed by the entire board. All the board and not individual members make decisions. Please send your letters to the Leisure Knoll office.

It is that time of year when work is done by residents or their contractors on the outside of their homes. Please remember to obtain a permit from the Architectural Committee for the work you want done. If you are unsure if a permit is required, you can check with the Architectural Committee, the Administration Office, or the Architectural Manual in your LKA Handbook. There is no outside work permitted on Sundays and Holidays.

With the warm weather approaching, more residents are walking throughout the community. Please be respectable when you are driving your car and give our residents ample room to walk.

For each petal on the Shamrock, this brings a wish your way; Good Health, Good Luck, and Happiness Today and Every Day.

— An Irish Blessing