LKA Community Newsletter – April 2022

A PDF copy of the LKA Community News for April 2022 can be found here.

Dates to Remember:

  • Friday, April 1st – April Fool’s Day
  • Saturday, April 2nd – New Resident Cocktail Party 4:00pm – NEW RESIDENTS ONLY
  • Sunday, April 10th – Palm Sunday
  • Friday, April 15th – Good Friday
  • Sunday, April 17th – Easter Sunday
  • Thursday, April 21st – American Legion Auxiliary Night at the Races 7PM – Rec Center
  • Friday, April 22nd – Earth Day
  • Sunday, April 24th – Eastern Orthodox Easter

April has arrived. Unfortunately, the cold weather is still with us, but we do have signs of spring. Flowers are blooming and chipmunks and deer are present throughout the community. Nature at its best!

On April 2nd, the Board of Directors is hosting a cocktail get together for the new residents. This is exciting news as we have not greeted members in 2 years due to the covid virus. Board members will be present as well as the chairman of the architectural committee and some other chair people from various social clubs. Come, join us, and bring your questions and get to know your neighbors. We look forward to greeting you all.

It is that time of year to get our air conditioner ducts cleaned and check for mold before turning on the systems. There is nothing more annoying that your air conditioner system running and all the allergens and mold coming out of the vents.

Remember, all letters addressed to the board must be signed by the resident. If they are not signed, they will be discarded. We want to answer all letters and respond to the proper party. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Spring is the time of year that residents begin having work done on their homes. Please remember to submit applications for exterior work to the Architectural Committee for approval. Once approved, a permit will be issued. Remember to display your approved permit in your window so it can be seen from the road.

A gust of bird song,
A patter of dew,
A cloud and a rainbow’s warning,
Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue –
An April day in the morning.

— Harriet Prescott Spoffard