LKA Community News – May 2022

A PDF copy of the LKA Community News for May 2022 can be found here

Dates to Remember:

  • Sunday, May 8th – Mother’s Day
  • Saturday, May 21st – Armed Forces Day
  • Saturday, May 28th – LKA Pool Opens for the season
  • Monday, May 30th – Memorial Day

Happy May to all!! The warm weather will soon be upon us. The pool season opens on Saturday, May 28th, Memorial Day weekend! A Directors Intercom containing the pool hours of operation and rules will be distributed May 1st as well as being posted on Channel 591. Let us all enjoy the pool this summer, covid free!

Spring lawn treatment has been completed. Fertilizer, crabgrass preventer, and weed control was applied. Lawn cutting will start, weather permitting, the first week in May. If any resident wishes to seed their lawn, it is recommended by our lawn company to use a blue rye blend. Please rope off the section that you seed so that our landscapers do not disturb the areas.

With the warm weather approaching please be aware that window and wall air conditioners are NOT PERMITTED. Violations can be subject to fines.

Robo or automated calls will be for cancellations of meetings (clubs), functions and emergencies only.

Please, if you have family or friends visiting, be kind and accompany them about the community. There have been incidents where minors are wandering about the rec center and tennis area. We want everyone to be safe.

Now that warm weather is here, more residents are walking in the roads. Please, if you are driving, slow down. Not everyone can be a gymnast and get out of the way of a fast-moving vehicle.

There will be a Board of Directors Informational Meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, at 7:00 pm in the Rec Center. All residents in good standing are encouraged to attend. Bring your questions. And yes, we will be serving refreshments! Reminder, this is not a budget meeting, the budget meeting is scheduled for August.

As a reminder, residents who are having exterior work done, please display your Architectural Permits in your front window or door.

Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. Happy Mother’s Day.

Author unknown

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it. Happy Memorial Day

Author unknown