LKA Community News – March 2021

A PDF copy of the LKA Community news for March 2021 can be found here.

Dates to remember:

  • Daylight Saving Time Begins – Remember, Spring ahead one hour – March 14th
  • Saint Patrick’s Day – March 17th
  • First Day of Spring – March 20th
  • Passover begins at sundown – March 27th
  • Palm Sunday – March 28th

Welcome to March! Spring is just around the corner. In fact, spring begins March 20th. Hopefully, warm weather and no snow! Daylight savings time begins on the 14th – so remember to spring ahead. The days are getting longer and brighter!

Just a friendly reminder again. Please pick up after your pet. Other people walk their pets, and no one wants to see or step in your pet’s waste. Nor do the other owners want their pets to step in it either. It is the law to pick up after your pet. Be considerate of others and make our community a beautiful place to walk.

The Board is opening the Craft Center and Rec Center on March 8th, except for the fitness center which will remain closed until further notice. The library will be opened, and all clubs may participate. Please speak with your club’s president for further restrictions. Remember you need to wear a mask and social distancing is required. Further information will be posted on the In-House TV Channel 591.

Winters Brothers Carting has a new phone number. 631-491-4923. This number should be used when requesting a bulk pickup.

Be Safe, Be Well, Be Kind!

For each petal on the shamrock, this brings a wish your way; good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day!

Irish Blessing