LKA Community News – June 2021

A PDF copy of the LKA Community News for June 2021 can be found here.

Dates to remember:

  • Flag Day – June 14th
  • Father’s Day – June 20th
  • First Day of Summer – June 20th

Well summer is finally approaching fast and soon it will be upon us. That means all our wonderful outdoor activities will be in full swing.

All our buildings as well as the fitness center are opened for all our residents. Masks are suggested for non-vaccinated residents. Please respect social distancing.

The pool opened Memorial Day weekend for residents only. We will be using the same policy as last year until further notice from the CDC and Aqua Tech. Only 39 people are permitted in the pool area. Social distancing is still in place.

When submitting paperwork for any exterior work, please make sure you have everything needed. If important items are not included, it will delay the issuing of the permit.

Please note that most of the homeowners east of Sheffield Drive only have 5 feet of space around their home. Know where your lot lines are on your property. Homes west of Sheffield Drive have larger lots. If you have a larger lot and are planning to add topsoil and seed to your lawn, you must apply for a permit with the exterior work application. Please be sure you have all the required info including insurance.

The Administration Office was notified by Winters Brothers that they now accept the #5 plastic to be included with plastics (#1 & #2) and tin recycling. Please be mindful when recycling plastics by looking at the bottom of the container.

As a reminder, please pick up after your pet. Residents are still not doing this, and it is the law. There will be signs placed throughout the community to remind residents with fines posted.

It is getting closer to Board election time. Have you made up your mind yet? The LKA Board of Directors could use you and your skills. By becoming involved you will be part of enhancing your property values and maintaining the integrity of the community. If this is for you then this is your opportunity to run for the board. All homeowners will be receiving information regarding board elections in the mail at the end of the month. FYI – you must be in good standing to vote or run for the board. That means if your maintenance fees and/or any outstanding fines are not paid, you cannot vote or run for the Board. Please be aware of any outstanding debts you may have and pay them so that you can take part in this election.

This month honors our American Flag. Display it proudly!

The Red and White and Starry Blue is freedom’s shield and hope.

John Phillip Sousa