LKA Community News – February 2021

A PDF copy of the LKA Community News for February 2021 can be found here.

Dates to remember:

  • Groundhog Day – February 2nd
  • Chinese New Year – February 12th
  • Valentine’s Day – February 14th
  • President’s Day – February 15th
  • Ash Wednesday – February 17th

Just another friendly reminder, pets are only to be walked on paved roads. Pet waste has been noted on common areas and has not been picked up. Please be courteous of others and pick up after your pet.

The Architectural Committee is still processing permits. A permit is required for all outside work. If you do not have an issued permit and continue outside work without one you can and will be fined. Please check your Blue Book/Handbook to see what requires a permit. Request for permits can be dropped off at the chairperson John Reppucci’s house.

LKA’s official communication to our residents is Channel 591 and the LKA website – Facebook from time to time may contain information for the community but is not the LKA official site.

When putting out newspapers on a scheduled paper recycling day, be sure to secure them. If not, and the day is windy, newspapers will be flying around the neighborhood.

During a snow event, vehicles are to be off the streets in order for the plows to do their job. Vehicles can be parked up at the Rec Center parking lot. If a vehicle hinders plowing, it will be towed at the owner’s expense.

COVID-19 restrictions are a community issue. This becomes a community issue where the Board is faced with making decisions for all the community. People are still free to make their own choices. With more and more new COVID-19 cases within LKA it is important for the Board to continue to act in the best interest of all our residents. So please stay well, safe and make wise decisions.

We have received many calls regarding distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine within our community. This is far different from the flu vaccine program that was offered here several years ago. The protocols surrounding the COVID-19 vaccination process are such that it is not something that we can, or should, do here. We empathize and understand that vaccine appointments are hard to get and can only advise you to contact your own doctors, if you have a computer available keep logging on to the many sites recommended by the state, contact your pharmacy and, if you do not have computer access, enlist the aid of family to help you schedule a vaccine appointment. Unfortunately, there is little more we can do at this time to help in this matter; however, if things change, we will get whatever information we have to you. Board members are faced with the same problems and frustrations as you and we thank you for your understanding.

It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.

George Washington