LKA Community News – December 2021

A PDF copy of the LKA Community News for December 2021 can be found here.

Dates to Remember:

  • December 7th – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
  • December 21st – Winter begins
  • December 24th – Christmas Eve
  • December 25th – Christmas Day
  • December 31st – New Year’s Eve

Once again, we are in that wonderful time of the year. Let us remember what this season is all about. Be respectable of one another, be kind to one another, be giving to one another. But most of all, enjoy the wonderful gifts that life has given us. Wishing all families and friends near and far a safe and wonderful Holiday Season.

Please be respectable of your neighbors. No outside construction work is to be done on homes throughout the community on legal holidays and Sundays. That applies to all inside work as well. Sawing and other noise disrupts neighbors. Outside construction work is done between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm Monday through Saturday only. Failure to abide by these rules, which can be found in the Blue Book, will result in a fine.

The Holiday Decorating Contest will be held during the week of December 19th. The winners will be posted on the in-house TV channel. Prizes will be awarded.

Please be careful when walking your dog in the later afternoon. It is getting dark earlier, and cars may not see you. Please wear reflective clothing so that others can see you. As we get closer to the winter months, we will be experiencing ice and snow. Be careful!!

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of Love

Hamilton Write Mabie