LKA Community News – April 2021

A PDF copy of the LKA Community News for April 2021 can be found here.

Dates to remember:

  • April Fool’s Day – April 1st
  • Good Friday – April 2nd
  • Easter Sunday – April 4th
  • Earth Day – April 22nd

Spring has finally arrived and so has the Spring Flowers. No more snow just beautiful and colorful flowers. Let us all enjoy this time of the year as we walk around our community and greet one another.

Once again, a reminder that you need an Architectural permit for all outside work on your home. That means, windows, sliders, painting etc. This also includes dumpster and PODS that are parked in your driveways. If you are unsure if you need a permit, please check with the Architectural Committee. Their numbers are in your handbook.

Moving forward, the Board will begin fining residents that do not pick up after their pets. This is effective immediately. It has been an ongoing problem. The fine will be $100.00. You will receive a written warning first and if this continues you will be issued a monetary fine. Please be courteous of other pet owners and walkers and pick up after your pet. It is the law.

It has been noted that on scheduled garbage days if it is windy and garbage lids are not placed tightly on pails, the garbage is flying around the community. Please be courteous and fasten your garbage lids so this may not happen. All perishable garbage must be placed in a garbage pail with a lid. Putting bags out the night before only encourages wildlife to break open the bags and scatter debris about. Very unsightly.

As a reminder – it is that time of year you may want to start thinking about running for the Board. Your community needs you and your ideas. The future of LKA is in your hands. More information to follow.

All residents are asked to fill out a “Next of Kin” card that is kept on file at the Administration Office in the event of an emergency. A second copy of this card is retained by a volunteer resident of Leisure Knoll. Please make sure all your information is up to date. In the event of an emergency when the office is closed and the next of kin needs to be notified, please contact Paula Duggan. You can find her phone number in the LKA phone directory.

Masks and social distancing are still required. Thank you for your support.

We love the things we love for what they are…

Robert Frost


When selling your home, the homeowner must contact the Administration Office. An architectural inspection will then be issued on the outside property only. The architectural Committee is looking for anything built on common property or any enclosed porches, sunrooms (i.e., permits, applications, c/o’s). If the inspection comes back with an issue the homeowner will be notified and the property must be brought into compliance prior to closing. A compliance letter / closing letter will not be issued to any property that is not compliant.

The Leisure Knoll Resident Handbook must be returned to the Administration Office along with any pool passes and billiard room closet keys. If these are not returned a fee of $100.00 will be issued to the homeowner.

The purchasers of the property for sale must come to the Administration Office once in contract to sign a Purchaser Agreement. This is a two-page document which is signed by the buyer verifying proof of age (55), confirming that they do not have any commercial vehicles and acknowledging that there is only one pet per household.

All the above must be completed prior to the office issuing a Compliance / Closing Letter which is needed for closing.

The new homeowner will have 10 business days after closing to arrange for a registration appointment with the Administration Office. There is a registration fee of $350.00 payable at the time of registration.