LKA Community News – July 2021

A PDF copy of the LKA Community News for July 2021 can be found here.

Dates to remember:

  • Independence Day – July 4th

As everyone is aware covid restrictions have been lifted. Please be mindful of social distancing and mask wearing if you have not been vaccinated. All buildings and social functions are operating on pre-covid restrictions. Please check with the club chairperson in case times and dates have changed.

The pool is open for residents, guests, and children. Please refer to the inhouse TV Channel – 591 and Intercom # 2021-06 for the hours of operation and pool rules. All LKA activities are for everyone to enjoy. Go, have fun, and renew friendships.

A few residents have made the board aware that they are concerned with the feral cats in the community. Please do not feed them. You may call the Town of Brookhaven animal control. The number is 631-451- 6950.

Our cleaning person has noticed ants in the craft center. Empty cookie and cake packages have been noticed in the trash and crumbs are left on the table. Please, no cookies or cakes in the Craft Center.

First, we had the pine beetles and now we have the spotted lanternfly. They feed on our trees especially Maple and fruit trees and other plants. If you are interested in learning more about them, we have brochures in the library and in the Administration Office for you to read.

Many residents have solar panels on their roofs. As an FYI, squirrels have been noted to chew through the wiring, and this has caused roof fires. You can have squirrel guards installed or just be aware that this can possibly happen.

As a reminder, LKA garbage pickup is Tuesday and Friday. Please put pails and/or debris out the night before the scheduled pickups. There have been incidents where it was put out days before and ends up scattered throughout the streets.

As an FYI – This community has a one pet policy. We know this has not been enforced but it is a policy.

By now, everyone has received a packet in the mail for the board elections. If you are a member in good standing and have a desire to be part of decision making for your community, then fill out the information and run for the board. Remember it is your community, what goes on in here, you have a voice. What better way to speak up for others than to become a board member.

What is a member in good standing? This is a resident who pays their maintenance and pays any fines that were issued. If not, you are not a member in good standing. If you are not in good standing, you cannot vote for community matters, your code to the buildings can and will be deactivated and when you sell your home you will not receive a clearance letter to close. So, please, be a member in good standing! Contact the board to help settle these matters. Many residents have in the past and issues have been resolved.

Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human
being. With freedom comes responsibility

Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility…

Eleanor Roosevelt